The thing I love the very most about pictures and journals is that they remind me of a time I thought I would never forget. I can't count the number of times I've failed to write something down because I was so entrenched in the moment I couldn't fathom a time when I wouldn't remember it.
Obviously I have a bad memory.
And so, in an effort to preserve some of those soon-to-be-forgotten memories, I thought it would would be fun to record a verbal snapshot of our family life as it is right now (an idea inspired by one of my favorite bloggers).
So here we go.....

Trevor will be going on his first date this weekend-- with an adorable girl that he asked out during his priest quorum's "Eye of the Tiger" activity. Next weekend will be his second date-- Sweethearts Dance (girls choice) at the high school. Two weekends, two dates. Not bad for a 16 year old. It must be because he's so darn cute.
After almost 9 months of unemployment in 2011, Trent has been working full time now for a little over 3 months. Although grateful for a job, he has learned how important it is to keep his eyes open at all times for other opportunities. We've both learned that (what seems like) a large savings account balance can disappear very quickly when there's no money coming in. I am much more reluctant to spend it than I was in the past. That's a good thing.
Jaden recently celebrated his 14th birthday. He grew 4 inches over the past year and we are thrilled! He is just about as tall as me now and wears almost the same size shoe. Yesterday was his first visit to the orthodontist to have his braces (bottom only) tightened (hasn't even complained about it hurting). The ortho says he needs to be better at brushing.
Caleb is a bookworm-- too much so at times! About a year ago I had to remove all the books from his bedroom so that he would stay on task when asked to do something. It worked for awhile (probably only until I returned the books). Now he is back to poking his nose in a book anytime he is 1) bored, or 2) doesn't want to do what he's been asked to do.
Brooke is extremely social. Unless she can find a friend to play with after school, her day just doesn't seem complete. She is usually disappointed at having to come home for dinner as she would much rather play until bedtime.
Although Pebbles is a very good dog, I have realized that I am not as much a dog-lover as I thought I was. I remind myself often that the reason we have her is for the kids, and it's just part of the stage of life we're in right now.
Two of our favorite family dinners are Honey Lime Chicken Enchiladas and Pizza Rolls. I usually don't hear a single complaint (well, maybe one) when I make them.
Brooke and Caleb are both taking piano lessons from our amazing neighbor, Anne Robinson. I am so grateful for her and her ability to make it fun for them. They are both working in the level 3 books-- Brooke almost out of them and Caleb just starting.
Each night when I go into Jaden's room to say "good night" to him, he is listening to Weird Al Yankovic music and intently reading a book. I have no idea how he can concentrate.

I'm accepting the fact that there is rarely a month when we are out of "sports season" and the resulting Saturday games. Right now it's indoor soccer for Brooke and basketball for Caleb. In another 2 or 3 months, we'll be back to 4 soccer games each Saturday. Maybe I can talk Brooke into giving up soccer for clogging...
Trent is a night owl. Sometimes Trevor and Jaden join him in a late-night movie or watching an episode of "Psych". I love that they have that time together for some father-son bonding.
We will soon be planning an Eagle Court of Honor for both Trevor and Jaden. Trevor earned his Eagle last summer, and Jaden only needs to have his board of review. Then we'll do a joint celebration! (My thoughts: Two down, one to go. Phew!!)
I have been serving as the stake primary president for just over a year and a half. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with so many amazing ladies in our stake. Seriously-- they are impressive!
Trevor is in his second year of early morning seminary. He is awesome about getting up and being ready on time. I think I've only ever had to wake him up once.
Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I wake up at 5:15 a.m. to go running with 3 of the best running partners EVER (Kristen, Cari, and Sue). We run 4 or 5 miles each time. They are better than therapy and literally the reason I get out of bed in the morning.

The other night I was gone for dinner and hadn't planned ahead, so Brooke made soup for everyone to eat. Seriously! She got out a cookbook, found a recipe that looked good, and made it all by herself! She even texted me to find out where the bouillon was. I think I could get used to this!
Trevor is usually at a friend's house each Friday and Saturday night. When 11:00 rolls around, I drive to pick him up from wherever he is. I am grateful he has such a good group of friends to hang out with, but I'd like to figure out how to draw the crowd over to our house more often.
Caleb has been going to speech therapy 2x/week during school to work on his "r" sounds this year. Progress is not coming as fast as I hoped, but maybe that will change once his missing front tooth grows back in.
Technology seems to be taking over our life. Trying to convince the kids not to let "screen time" dominate every free moment is a constant battle. It makes me extremely weary.
Chauffeuring my kids and their friends is one of my favorite things to to. I relish the opportunity to be a "fly on the wall" as I listen to their conversations and observe their interactions. It makes me smile.
Trent is the scoutmaster in our ward. I love his talent for working with boys that age. He is an extremely good sport about camping in horrible weather.
Jaden is the fastest reader I have ever met. He can easily read two (if not more) novels in a single day.
Brooke is amazingly detail oriented. This is a quality she has had since she was little, but I continue to be amazed at all the things she notices. Nuances in body language, tone of voice, new items of clothing I might be wearing, or changes in where I normally keeps things. She notices it all!
So there you go. Definitely not an exhaustive list, but at least a record of some of the things going on around here right now.